
Sample of two color versions of crystal chandeliers made of vacuum-plated crystal - amber VS sky blue

Unique crystal chandeliers made of crystal glass covered with an oxide layer of metal.
With these chandeliers, the color changes depending on the viewing angle, so it is basically impossible to describe exactly what color the chandelier is.
Even during the day, the color of chandeliers and lamps changes according to the predominant wavelength of the reflected light.The only way to describe the color of these crystal lights is to describe the predominant color shade.
There are two types of color shades in this sample:
- Amber (with purple highlights)
- Soap bubbles (predominantly blue)

Demonstration of  metal-coated crystal chandeliers with 6, 8 and 18 arms

Chandeliers and lamps can be supplemented with classic textile lamp-shades, or cut vases made of blown glass.
The large 18-arm chandelier is adapted for a low ceiling.

Surface treatment of the metal is optional - glossy/matt